Saturday, February 8, 2014

The post I have written a hundred times...

I have thought about this post for months.

I have written it over, and over again...

but it just never seemed right.

Then, last night it hit me.

The "perfection" I have been searching for doesn't exist...

and it never will.

I did a lot of soul searching during my year long hiatus, and have learned to be happy with my imperfections.

So, instead of trying to explain my absence, we are just going to celebrate my return to the world of blogging.

 Happy Sappy Saturday to you all!

I hope to be making regular appearances here again soon. 

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Where was I Wednesday...

Well, I was here:

At the Economic Summit.

My boss had extra tickets, and I got to go.

It was actually a really great day.

Not going to lie, I was kind of surprised at how much I like it. :o)

Happy Wednesday!

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Just Try!

Hello, and Happy Monday!

Do you remember my Just be More... posts from last year?

Well, I started looking through them today, and kind of felt bad that I didn't accomplish as much as I would have liked too.

However, just as I started to feel sorry for myself I decided to flip my outlook, and started looking at all the things that I actually accomplished just by trying.

I soon realized that I accomplished more last year in the way of resolutions than I ever have before, which for me was pretty awesome.

So, for this year's theme I decided to simplify, and go with Just Try!

Basically, instead of making a list of concrete resolutions, which I know is what every self-help book tell you to do for the best results, I am going to Just Try a bunch of things that I have been wanting to get done.

Things may not turn out, but hey, at least I am giving it a try.

I will keep you posted with updates and such, or well, at the very least I will try to. :o)

Happy Monday!
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Thursday, January 10, 2013

We are now "those" kind of people.

Hello, and Happy Thursday almost Friday!

So, funny story.

N8dogg was home the other night, and apparently had a hard time sleeping.

(I had no idea he was having a hard time sleeping because I was out like a light next to him).

He told me the next morning that the air quality in our house was unbearable, and that he refused to sleep another night there until it improved.

I had no idea what he was talking about. I thought the air quality in our house was fine.

That was until we got this baby:

Yep, we are now "those" kind of people.

You know, people who breath purified air. ;)

Seriously, this thing is amazing!

I am in love with it!

However, the cats are not.

Cow refuses to be in the same room as it, and is currently sitting at the top of the stairs staring at it from around the corner.

I think I would have more sympathy for him if it wasn't his dander that made us "those" kind of people in the first place. :)

Happy Thursday! 

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